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Bli kunde i OBOS-banken

Her kan du enkelt registrere deg som ny kunde så du kan prøve vår mobil- og nettbank. Det er selvfølgelig helt gratis å registrere seg som kunde, og så er det opp til deg om du etter hvert vil flytte helt eller delvis inn.

OBOS-banken er en norsk digital bank som opererer i Norge. For å bli kunde i banken så må du være registrert med norsk bostedsadresse i Folkeregisteret. Dette gjelder også for norske statsborgere.

To become a customer, you need to have a Norwegian national identity number or D number and a non-Norwegian passport. You also need to be registered with a Norwegian home address in the Norwegian Folkeregister.

Please note that OBOS-banken is a fully Norwegian bank. That implies that all information you will receive from us is written solely in Norwegian.

Become a customer with BankID

If you already have BankID from another Norwegian bank you can use your BankID to become a customer and open an account. You must be over 18 years old. You will get access to our internet banking services right away.

Register with BankID

Become a customer without BankID

If you do not have BankID, you will need to contact us by phone to become a customer and to open an account. You will then receive the account agreement in the mail, which you must pick up at the nearest post office. Remember to bring a valid passport or Norwegian national ID card.

If you do not have BankID and you are not a Norwegian citizen you will need a copy of the following documents:

  • Valid Passport
  • Confirmation of your Norwegian national identity number or D number
  • Documentation of income (work contract, tax card, student card, or documentation from NAV)
  • Bank Reference Letter written in English from a bank you have used in Norway or your home country. The letter must include your name, ID number, address, how long you have had an account and a description of your relationship with the bank.
  • Valid Norwegian residence permit. This requirement does not apply to EEA citizens.

Note that it can take up to 4 weeks from the time you contact us until you get access to your account.

Call us at 22 86 58 00 (Monday - Friday: 09.00 - 15.00)